We Are Zümre Makina
Zümre Makina is a CNC machining , CNC turning , Swiss Type Small Parts manufacturer in Turkey/Ankara.They are just some of the services we offer. Additionally , about us, we can provide high-quality vacuum casting, pressure die casting, 3D printing, fast tooling & injection molding, sheet metal prototype, plastic and aluminum extrusions with the strong relationship of it’s partners.This allows you to thoroughly test your product and make any necessary modifications to perfect your concept before going into full-scale manufacturing.

Precision Machining for Prototyping & Production
Zümre Makina owns high precision 3-, 4- and 5-axis imported machines which allow us to achieve tight tolerances. We have also invested in a material tester, so that we can verify the materials we use and make sure they are the correct ones for each project some of about us. And we can quickly get measurement results from our automotive coordinate measuring machine (CMM).
CNC Machining & Manufacturing Services for Metal & Plastic Parts
Zümre Makina is a CNC machining , CNC turning , Swiss Type Small Parts manufacturer in Turkey/Ankara.They are just some of the services we offer. Additionally,we can proivde high-quality acuum casting, pressure die casting, 3D printing, fast tooling & injection molding, sheet metal prototype, plastic and aluminum extrusion provider with the strong relationship of it’s partners.This allows you to thoroughly test your product and make any necessary modifications to perfect your concept before going into full-scale manufacturing.